Jan 26, 2015

FAO - Livestock Production Videos

Dear Colleagues,

Last year, FAO invited PhD students and young researchers from developing countries, working in the area of animal nutrition, to participate in a video competition and to share information on promising animal nutrition technologies or interventions that will contribute to improved feeding of livestock.

The purpose of conducting the competition was to:

i) promote research focusing on the needs of smallholder farmers,

ii) enhance South-South knowledge exchange and transfer, and

iii) facilitate identification of technologies and interventions that have potential for replication and upscaling.

A set of 11 selected Videos from the competition can be accessed at the FAO You Tube website.  One of the videos is posted below.

The focus of the strategies, demonstrated in the videos, is on smallholder farmers; and their application increases livestock productivity and income of farmers. The strategies can bey replicated in other parts of the world and have potential to lift poor farmers out of povert.

The videos will be useful to Farmers, Extension Services, Non-Governmental Organizations, , Livestock development agencies/departments and Research Institutions.

Harinder Makkar

Livestock Production Systems Branch
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome, Italy

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