Oct 23, 2011

Latest notification of the online magazine, New Agriculturist

New Agriculturist www.new-ag.info is a unique and highly trusted resource which keeps online readers - scientists, development professionals, policymakers, lecturers, students and the media - abreast of trends, results and innovation in agricultural development, particularly in Africa but also in Asia and Latin America. With over 200,000 readers, New Agriculturist is valued for covering a wide range of stories and issues around agriculture and rural development across the globe. You can subscribe to receive monthly email updates and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

The latest edition of New Agriculturist (2011-5) is now online at www.new-ag.info. Whether preparing for natural disasters or seeking to improve health or food security, our challenge is not lack of knowledge, but using the scientific knowledge we have to address the challenges we face. With a focus on the multiple benefits of tree cultivation, this edition provides evidence of what science can teach us.

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