In addition to the 3.3 million records indexed from AGRICOLA’s collection, AGRIS published 6,000 bibliographic references delivered by a number of scientific journal publishers, information centres and National libraries of Countries such as Albania, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Cuba, Czech Rep., India, Latvia, Pakistan, Nepal (ICIMOD), Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, Syria and Turkey.
Every month the AGRIS database, together with its active Network, a worldwide community of 150 and more Institutions, disseminates important information on agriculture and related sciences. Its repository grows day by day and today, its current 7 million scientific articles - all indexed by Google via Sitemap - play an essential role for the acquisition of always updated information from scientists, researchers and PhD in the FAO technical areas.
When scientists access this information, they indirectly contribute in fulfilling the first FAO strategic objective, that is to “help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition”. In the last five years, the scientific world has recognized the importance of open access and scholarly data. In this framework, AGRIS facilitates the researchers to “…use each other’s data and conclusions to extend their own ideas, making the total effort much greater than the sum of the individual efforts”.[1]
To know more on AGRIS and browse its data, visit, one of the most visited websites in FAO.
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