Sep 13, 2017


1 comment:

K.Boodhoo said...

Dear All,

I wish to thank every person who has contributed in one way or another to the success of our FoA Research Day on Thursday 21st September 2017:

The Pro-VC (Academia) - Professor Sobhee for his overall support to the organisation of the event
The Dean of Faculty and the Heads of Department for their support throughout the preparation of the event;
Our keynote speaker, Mr Yan Mayer who showed windows of opportunities for our young students to start their own business
All the members of the FoA Research Day Organising Committee (Hudaa, Arvind, Mahen, Satyam, Micha and Mr Toree)
The AO of the Faculty, Mrs Kajaal for her support
The administrative staff of the FoA registry (Diya, Anusha, Rudy and Mrs Ramkishore) for their help
The CS Dean, Mrs Jhoti for her usual and effective support
The support staff (Mr Suntoo, Mr Jumangal and Mr Sohur) for ensuring all was in place yesterday
The UoM press (Mr Ujodah, Madvee, Mr Mario, Mr Armoogum and other colleagues) who in spite of all the pressure managed to give us all of our requirements on time
All FoA Academic colleagues who acted as Session Chairs and did a marvelous job on keeping to time (Sudesh, Mala, Sunita, Daya, Satyam)
All FoA academic, technical and administrative colleagues who made it a point to attend yesterday.
All stakeholders present for the event many of whom are FoA Alumni
I should not forget all the oral and poster presenters who followed the instructions given and helped to make the event a success
Thank you as well to Ms Parveen Salamut and Mrs Jayantee Baijnath for the close follow-up and ensuring that all the preparations went well.
A big thank you as well to Associate Professor Boopen Seetanah for his close collaboration and effective co-chairmanship of the UoM Research Week Organising Committee 2017. Thank you to all the other members of the UoM RWOC 2017 for effective sharing of ideas during the different meetings.
At the end of the day, it was a collective effort to showcase the research done in the agri-food sector, and we have proved once more that we are an effective team at the Faculty of Agriculture with strong support from colleagues from other departments across the University as well.

Thank you once again.

Kind regards

Brinda Ramasawmy
FoA Research Day Organising Committee 2017