Sep 2, 2017


24 officers from the Forest Services of the Ministry of AgroIndustry and Food Security have joined the Diploma in Forestry offered by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius this academic year 2017/18. Ia There is a good group interactions and willingness to help each other (e.g of Peer Teaching) to learn.

Lecturing to such a group of experienced and mature students is a good opportunity to  apply concepts of adult learning. Most of them participated actively in the class discussion, even though some of them tried to dominate the discussion.

They were keen to use Web 2.0 tools, although they did not realise that they are already using it.

Wish all of them a fruitful stay at the Faculty and happy learning to all!!!


K.Boodhoo said...

Hello All
Hope you are enjoying the class and learning a few more concepts other than what you already known.

Navin Joyram said...

Very nice pictures of the class and felt special to see us on the blog. At our age it's quite tough to attend classes after work! Anyway it is nice to be on the campus everyday! After yesterday's lecture, my insight on blogs as a platform for vehiculing information has changed!

Unknown said...

Hello sir
glad to see us in the pictures
attentively listening to your explanations.

Unknown said...

Your class was so interesting as it was the first time we were learning those topics.

Unknown said...

Hi, Nice to see everyone on the blog! Everybody seems happy!
The courses seem a bit bulky but anyway we are helping each other and everyone is eager to go through!
We are learning new and interesting concepts for sure throughout all of the courses!

dharamraj ramnarain said...

hi to all friends following course of diploma in Forestry. may that what we learn be fruitful to all. thanks to Mr K.Boodhoo

Anonymous said...

Hello colleagues, pleased to see you all on the blog as one team.Our recognition to lecturer Dr k.Boodhoo whose professional approach inspired us towards a brighter future in our career.
Best of luck to all!

Pritiviraj Lautun said...

Hello Sir, read your blog. Nice to see our friends in the class photo. We are trying our best to use your instruction to enjoy this module. Thank you.

Ponnusawmy sandragasen said...

Right proceeding into new adventures. A new erase for the forestry service

Ponnusawmy sandragasen said...

Embarking for new horizons . Fasten belts please.

REZAHSUB said...
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REZAHSUB said...

Hello Sir, Rezah Subratty here, Ag. Senior Forest Conservation and Enforcement Officer.The first class with you has been an interesting one despite the fact that I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to modern technologies.The class has in fact inspired me a lot and all credits go to your art of teaching. Hoping that the knowledge acquired throughout the diploma will surely help me in my profession.
P.s Nice group photos

Unknown said...

hello Sir,
BHUJOHORY P, Acting principal Conservation and Enforcement Officer at the Western Range of the Forestry service. Its a great opportunity for the Forestry officers to seize in our life this opportunity not to lag behind in the field of IT. I personally am new to this technology and I am fighting to march with time. I am glad to be a student of FOA. I seek your help and blessing to move forward.
I am happy to see the 24 officers photo taken at the University lecture hall 1.9 on 1.9.17
I can see that you are not a boodhoo (in hindi meaning dull minded) hahaaaaa a joke sir, please do not be offended GOD bless you and your dear ones

Unknown said...

life is a challenge and we as a warrior, as a fighter must face life boldly, even if death wins over our mortal body cage. I know its not that easy at advancing age to cope with fast running technologies. But dedicating our actions and knowledge to the all mighty we will all benefit from our lecturer's guidance to serve our Forestry Service fully to the expectation of the Management and the world at large.

Unknown said...

Best of luck to everyone

Unknown said...

hi to everyone.I am glad to see my friends in the class photo.I am a senior forest conservation and enforcement Officer working in the flying squad unit.In the unit we effect patrols ,carry out checks etc.I pray to GOD for all to succeed.

Sid said...

Hello to all of you.Best of luck to everybody.

Unknown said...

Hello Sir
I,am Kristna Cunniah,working as Principal Forest Conservation and Enforcement Officer,at Forest Range South Office,Curepipe.My work consists mainly of supervision.
The course is interesting and the lecturers are very helpful.My wish is that knowledge acquired will be shared among other officers in the Forestry Service.
Best of luck to everyone.

Unknown said...
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Maunthrooa Veerendra said...

Hi, I am Maunthrooa Veerendra, working as Senior Forest Conservation and enforcement officer at Black River Section. Computer is new to me. several attempts to learn computer failed, but sharing your class on 1/9/17 made me believe in myself, this time I will make it. let me also wish all my friends who are in same position as me best of luck.

Wish you Sir all the best & Bon Courage. :)

F.Mohit said...

Hello Sir,

I am Forest Officer Farook Mohit and I currently work at Western Forest Range, Les Casernes, Curepipe. I am really impressed to see so much enthusiasm and interest from my colleagues. We just can't wait for your next class.

vickram said...

hi,I am Bassant Oam-Vidya and am not so at ease with computer but hope with your lectures it will be an essential tool for the future. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I'm Surya Dev Ramful,Officer in Charge at Vuillemin Forest Section.I'm really enjoying my days at the University.Happy to learn so many new things.All lecturers are nice and friendly.As if my young days have returned.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. I am posted at Vuillemin Section.Enjoying my days at the university. Learnt so many new things and lecturers are nice and friendly. As if my young days have returned!

Unknown said...

Dear Dr. K. Boodhoo and friends,

This is my first time using a blog to communicate and interact. Being exposed to new technology in the information era is fascinating to me even though there is a learning curve in the beginning. It has been a great opportunity for me to learn about new concepts that I was initially not aware of despite using them on a daily basis – Web 2.0 for instance. I am also pleased to see our group photos depicting us working together as a team.

Best regards,

Ravindrasing Ramessur,
Senior Forest Conservation and enforcement officer.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone,
I'm Reza Ramjaun, posted at the Biodiversity Unit at Curepipe. Working on the conservation of rare native plants species. Nice to be back to FOA after 19 yrs. Still have some of our then lecturers. But new team seems to be very helpful. will try my best to get through and hope so for all of you. Thxs!

Unknown said...

Hello everyone.
Glad to be back again to the temple of knowledge(UoM).
Its helping me in my self development.
Hope its the same for you all.

Biswajeet Itteea
Senior Forest Conservation & Enforcement Officer
Curepipe Timber Store

Unknown said...

hello Sir, the last five days i went through much troubles to register with Moodle platform as i have tried to register using different usernames and different passwords . Finally I was lost in a labyrinth,Headache,worries. 2 day I went to university to inquire about my not beeing to register. I was sent to Eben Core- CILL, contacted one Krishnen who finally helprd to settle matters. after that i was guided by peer colleague Jayram and was set on the right tract. I downloaded 12 documents sent by you Thnx a lot, PAS FACILE selment, I will not give up trying meme si dilo vinne jusqua nivo nene haahhaaaaaaaaa. please smile lol-proud to be a student at 60

K.Boodhoo said...

I am happy to see your zeal to succeed.
Learn by doing.
And I am sure you will be able help anybody to register on the platform now.

Unknown said...

I am experiencing a new way of learning at the University particularly under the guidance of Dr. K. Boodhoo. Witnessing the struggle of my colleagues is an example of learning by application of new knowledge. We are, in fact, moving from abstract to concrete learning.

Raj Basenoo said...

I am Raj Basenoo, posted at Southern Range office Curepipe and working as acting Principal Forest Conservation and Enforcement Officer (PFCEO).Southern Range is subdivided into six forest sections and one nursery.

I am really very happy to be part of this team following the Diploma Course in Forestry and specially the IT Module,even a bit new but very interesting. For me it is a real challenge to acquire maximum knowledge and enjoy life.I have successfully posted one of the photograph on Facebook from your post.I have also read your press interview fixed on the notice board at the UOM,congratulation.I am very happy to be a forest officer,most of the time spent in Nature.In my opinion Forestry sector must be given the GREATEST consideration locally, nationally and internationally. It is life supporting sector.

Thanks for having you as our lecturer.
Raj Basenoo.