Miss N.S. Theeroovengadum is a fresh graduate from the Faculty of Agriculture, she was elected chair of the Summit after an interview at the Ministry of Tertiary Education. Below she recounts some of her experience at the summit. Well Done.
I am Miss Theeroovengadum Nivershee Sandiana and I have chaired the Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment for the very first Model African Union Summit held in Mauritius. Indeed, after an interview at the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology, I have been elected chairperson based on my leadership skills, sense of responsibility amongst others. It has been a wondrous and highly enriching experience. Moreover, it was a privilege for me to chair a committee, in a field where I have graduated with a BSc (HONS) in Agriscience and Technology. The Model African Union is undeniably a unique experience whereby students, simulating a delegate or non-delegate role, act with a common vision to think out of the box and focus on actions and policies that would bring about change. As a chairperson and as a former delegate for the Model United Nations in 2009, I would strongly encourage all students of the University of Mauritius, irrespective of their fields of study, to participate in the future Model African Union Summits if it is made a recurring event.
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