Aug 22, 2014

Model African Union Summit 2014 at MGI

Les étudiants de diverses universités du pays se réunissent durant 2 jours au MGI a Moka pour le model african union summit.cette initiative de l’african union southern africa regional office vise à informer les jeunes africains sur le rôle et le fonctionnement de l’union africaine,r répartis en plusieurs groupes, les jeunes participants discuteront durant ces deux jours des défis concernant le continent africain. Reproduced form R.Gopaul, MBC.

Keshwar Lobin ( Head of delegate), Anusha Seechurn, Tejal Cheekhoory, Vagish Ramborun and Vedna Beeharry fresh graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Mauritius won the best delegation for the 1st ever held Model African Union Summit 2014 on the 19th and 20th August 2014 at MGI.

We congratulate them for their successful participation in this inter-universities debate forum. We are very proud to be among the 10 awarded best delegations and having represented our university. They represented the country of Benin during this summit and Mr Shane Hurdowar academic staff of the Facukty was their mentor.

GIS – 21 August 2014: Over 250 students of Mauritian, African and Indian nationalities from ten public and private tertiary institutions in Mauritius participated in the first edition of the Model African Union (AU) Summit held at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute on 19 and 20 August 2014.
The event, organised for the first time in Mauritius by the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology in collaboration with the African Union Southern Africa Regional Office (AU-SARO), a regional branch of the AU, provided a unique opportunity for tertiary institutions students to learn of the role, organisation, functions and intricacies of the AU through simulation as well as to prepare them, as tomorrow’s leaders, policy makers and diplomats, to discharge such duties effectively. Critical issues relevant to Africa were discussed during the two days. They include Peace and Security, Agriculture, Environment and Climate Change, Education, Regional Economic Integration, Science and Technology, among others.
In simulating the real AU Summit, students were called upon to play the roles of delegates representing the 54 AU member states, chairpersons/co-chairs of the committee and assembly sessions, rapporteurs, security officers, floor officers as well as press officers. They were thus able to learn of the system of deliberation in the AU, the implementation of resolutions as well as the linkages of the AU with other international bilateral and multilateral agencies. The work of the Model African Union took place in four Specialised Technical Committees namely Agricultural, Rural Development, Water and Environment; Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration; Transport, Transcontinental and Interregional Infrastructures, Energy and Tourism; and Education, Science and Technology.

At the closing ceremony held yesterday, the Minister of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology, Dr Rajesh Jeetah, stated that the two-day event was a resounding success with the positive level of debate and the depth of discussions. Speaking on African Union statistics which reveal that 65% of the total population of Africa are below the age of 35 years, Dr Jeetah highlighted the importance of enabling young people to focus on the development of Africa, its major concerns and priorities as well as its integration policies. The Minister added that he called on AU-SARO to enable best delegates from Model AU Summit to participate in forthcoming summits in other countries with a view of developing a network of young people on the continent.

For his part, the Ambassador, AU, and Regional Delegate to Southern Africa, Dr Salif Sada Sall, said that he was impressed by the passion, skills and abilities of the participants as well as the effectiveness of the local organisation committee. “In Mauritius, the holding of the Model AU Summit has been unique because it has involved the participation of both public and private tertiary institutions and because of the diversity and skills of the participants”. Dr Sall urged the young Mauritian participants to apply for positions advertised at the African Union Commission.
AU-SARO, a regional branch of the AU, was founded in 2001 to foster collaborations among AU member states and organisations within the 14 countries it represents. One of its main mandates is to create awareness of the AU. In that endeavour, it has started the African Union Model Summit as part of a programme of advocacy with universities, and to build capacity for the youth. The First model Summit was held in Malawi in 2011. It has since been organised as an annual activity on a rotational basis in each Southern Africa Member States.

Government Information Service, Prime Minister’s Office, Level 6, New Government Centre, Port Louis, Mauritius.

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