Mar 20, 2023

Les Assises de l'Agriculture, themed Pathways to a Sustainable Food System for a Healthier Tomorrow

Les Assises de l'Agriculture,
themed Pathways to a Sustainable Food System for a Healthier Tomorrow, took place in Mauritius from 16 to 20 March 2023.

  • The event featured a two-day Symposium and a five-day exhibition with 197 stands showcasing local agricultural products and sustainable practices


The Faculty of Agriculture participated in both the symposium and exhibition 
We laid emphasis on the following areas:

Our program provides hands-on training and practical skills for graduates in agriculture and related fields.

  • We are committed to promoting sustainable agriculture and responsible food production.
  • Our program focuses on the latest research and innovations in agriculture and food science.
  • Graduates of our program are well-equipped for successful careers in a wide range of agricultural and food-related industries.
  • The skills and knowledge that students gain through your program that are relevant to these careers.
  • Our program offers unique opportunities for experiential learning, research project , and internships
  • Our faculty members and technical staff are experts in their respective fields and are committed to supporting student success.


  • Development of a mobile apps to diagnose diseases in crops, mobile application Dokter Plant
  • · Development of IoT Sensors for sheltered farming Identification of Colletotrichum species on crops and fruits using molecular tools.
  • Highlights of Food Waste and Loss reduction campaign
  • Climate smart technologies for climate resilience, food security, and poverty alleviation of small farmers 


· Some Highlights of the Exhibits and Key Messages

  • President Roopun emphasized the need to redesign the food system for sustainability, climate change resilience, and reduced dependency on imports.
  • Les Assises de l'Agriculture serves as an important platform for knowledge sharing, interaction, and forging partnerships for a more resilient and sustainable agriculture industry.
  • Minister Gobin called for greater self-sufficiency, backyard gardening, and decreased dependency on imports.
  • The symposium gathered local and international stakeholders to discuss self-sufficiency in strategic crops, agri-food systems, and future strategies.
  • EDB's CEO highlighted the historical role of agriculture in Mauritius and its potential for income generation, attracting young entrepreneurs, and encouraging best agricultural practices.
  • The Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security worked alongside global and regional partners to support the development of the local food system.
  • Various plants, agricultural machinery, fertilizers, and nursery equipment were available for sale at the event, along with products from the State Trading Corporation.
  • The event aimed to promote the services of the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security and encourage local food system development.
  • Other ministries, such as the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Ministry of Fisheries, were also present at the event.
  • The exhibition featured local food and agricultural enterprises to support and promote the local food system.
  • Officers were available at the event to provide advice and guidance for those interested in starting their own gardens.
  • The event showcased various facets of agriculture as a multidisciplinary discipline, highlighting its diverse aspects.
  • Apiculture, or beekeeping, was featured as an important agricultural practice for pollination and honey production.
  • Advanced irrigation techniques and technologies were demonstrated to promote efficient water usage and management in agriculture.
  • Insect-based meal options were showcased as a sustainable and alternative protein source for both human consumption and animal feed.
  • New banana varieties, bred for improved disease resistance and better yield, were exhibited at the event.
  • Agroprocessing products were displayed, emphasizing value addition, waste reduction, and the creation of new market opportunities for agricultural products.
  • The role of pulses in nutrition security was showcased, emphasizing their importance as a source of plant-based protein, fiber, and essential nutrients in a balanced diet.
  • Biopesticides, derived from natural materials like plants, bacteria, and minerals, were displayed as eco-friendly alternatives to chemical pesticides for pest management.
  • Biofertilizers, containing living microorganisms that promote plant growth by increasing nutrient availability, were also exhibited as sustainable solutions for improving soil fertility and crop productivity.
  • In the livestock sector, various types of fodder available for sustainable livestock production were displayed, emphasizing the importance of proper nutrition for animal health and productivity.
  • Aquaponics systems, which combine aquaculture (raising fish) with hydroponics (growing plants in water), were showcased as innovative and sustainable solutions for food production, promoting efficient use of water and nutrient recycling. 
  • A range of agricultural machinery suitable for both large and small-scale crop farmers was exhibited at the event. This included equipment for soil preparation, planting, irrigation, harvesting, and post-harvest processing, catering to the diverse needs of farmers in different agricultural sectors.


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