Oct 23, 2011

Thoughts on the World Food Day 2011

Planted among farmers
Moving in the cargo of suppliers
Sinking in turbulent lake
Protected in hanging granaries

World Food Day 2011 at SSR Botanical Garden

The Faculty has participated actively in the last World Food Activities organised by the FOA. The Agricultural Society and many students of our students have  provided valuable assistance to make the event a success. Congratulations to all. More info at Mauritius Agriculture blog.

World Food Day 2011 Conference

The Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)  held on Monday at Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre at Bell Village a conference on "Food prices: from crisis to stability".  Two academic staff, Mr Shane Hurdowar and Mrs Roshini Brizmohun- Gopaul gave talks on related issues to theme.

Latest notification of the online magazine, New Agriculturist

New Agriculturist www.new-ag.info is a unique and highly trusted resource which keeps online readers - scientists, development professionals, policymakers, lecturers, students and the media - abreast of trends, results and innovation in agricultural development, particularly in Africa but also in Asia and Latin America. With over 200,000 readers, New Agriculturist is valued for covering a wide range of stories and issues around agriculture and rural development across the globe. You can subscribe to receive monthly email updates and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

The latest edition of New Agriculturist (2011-5) is now online at www.new-ag.info. Whether preparing for natural disasters or seeking to improve health or food security, our challenge is not lack of knowledge, but using the scientific knowledge we have to address the challenges we face. With a focus on the multiple benefits of tree cultivation, this edition provides evidence of what science can teach us.

Oct 11, 2011

FANRPAN Regional Dialogue in Swaziland

Ms Nawsheen Hosenally who has graduated in 2011 with an undergrad degree in agricutural extension from the Faculty of Agriculture was in Swaziland from the 19-25 Sep 2011 to attend the Regional Dialogue of FANRPAN, in Swaziland. She has shared her experiences and the highlights of the meeting on http://nawsheenh.blogspot.com/2011/09/fanrpan-annual-high-level-regional-food.html
She will act as a consultant to carry out a case study on agricultural policies for youth in Mauritius.The project is funded by CTA and is going to start this month.
We wish her all the best in her efforts.

Award of 4 Phds at the Faculty of Agriculture in 2011

At the last graduation ceremony at the University of Mauritius held on the 5th October 2011, 4 students of the Faculty of Agriculture was awarded their degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and more specifically it was awarded to four women, Sunita Facknath, Anissa Nain, Manisha Ramnauth and Nafiisa Sobrattee received their degrees in the areas Entomology, Molecular Biology, Food Science and Technology and Bio Resource Management respectively. "Having four PhD Holders in a year is an honor and a pride for the Faculty of Agriculture," said the Dean , Dr Françoise Driver. It comes at a time when the tertiary sector wants to promote academic research and the Faculty will continue to play a pivotal role in the development of the agricultural sector in  Mauritius through training of human resources and up to date research.

Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development Agricultural and Rural Development in ACP Countries

Dr Françoise Driver, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture  has been nominated by the board of ANAFE (African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education) to attend the 10th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Science and Technology for Development agricultural and rural development in ACP countries, from October 9 to 13 in Roseau, Dominican Republic. The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Mauritius will discuss the concrete actions that policymakers can take to safeguard the food system in ACP countries.