Sep 28, 2010

World Food Day 2010 at the SSR Botanical Garden, Pamplemousses

The Faculty of Agriculture will participate in the World Food Day organised by the Ministry of AgroIndustry and Food Security on the 14-17 Oct 2010 at the SSR Botanic Garden, Pamplemousses. The opening ceremony will take place on 13 Oct 2010. The Ag Society and a group of students in the respective programme of studies have volunteered to help academic staff in preparation of their exhibits and posters. We wish to make the Faculty more visible and credible. So lets all work together to make it happen and be proud of our achievements. I wish you all the best and rest assured of my support.

Sep 22, 2010

Statistics Bonanza

Dr A. Ruggoo has posted a good repertoire of statistical websites that are relevant and useful for your module in Agricultural Statistics and project work.Check Here

Make the most of it.

Sep 20, 2010

Latest notification of the online magazine, New Agriculturist

We are pleased to send you the latest notification of the online magazine, New Agriculturist ( Free to access, New Agriculturist is a unique and highly trusted resource which keeps online readers abreast of trends, results and innovations in agricultural development, particularly in Africa, but also in Asia and Latin America. There is also a link on the blog to the website

Sep 17, 2010

Short Course at the Faculty - Turf Grass Management - Hurry Up

The Faculty of  Agriculture has the pleasure to offer a 4-day course on turfgrass management. It will be run  by Professor E. Guertal, a Fulbright Scholar from the University of Auburn, United States, currently attached at the Faculty. Grateful if you could spread the word to those whom you think might be interested.

Thank You

Contributed by Mr. S.S.S.Khoyratty

Sep 15, 2010

Avoid Cut and Paste Operations - Write in Your own words

At this point in time, a lot of you are engaged in writing up assignments and practical reports, carrying out literature review for final year project and preparing notes for their modules. However, we have noticed that in many cases, the writing has just been copied as it is from text books, websites, conference reports and other published materials. This is a cause for concern as you are not developing proper skills in writing and thinking.  An  interesting article by David Mayle, from the Open University is reproduced below for you to reflect on and comment on his issue. We thank you for your valuable comments.

World Food Day 2010 at the Faculty of Agriculture

The theme of this year’s World Food Day is United against hunger, chosen to recognize the efforts made in the fight against world hunger at national, regional and international levels.

For a number of years, the Faculty has actively participated in most of the World Food Day (WFD) events organised locally by the parent Ministry for Agriculture. Since 2006, the Faculty has organised, in its own way, the WFD on campus. All these events have met with success and it is fortunate that the Faculty has dedicated and motivated students who have demonstrated their talent and creativity in organising these events. For the 2010 WFD the Agricultural Society with  the help of Mrs E. Aumjaud and Mrs R. Brizmohun-Gopaul academic staff will organise the World Food Day. The objectives are given at News on Agriculture.

I understand that students want to make it the biggest event ever organized at the Faculty of Agriculture! I wish them all the best and rest assured of our active support.

Thank you All.


Sep 12, 2010

Composting to reduce landfill waste in Ireland

Composting may be the key to solving high farming costs and plant disease, according to researchers at University College Dublin and Teagasc, the Irish agriculture and food development authority. Scientists at the two institutions have been looking at ways to use the growing number of landfills across Europe for the benefit of the agriculture sector. University World News.

New Maize Variety could save eyesight of millions of African children

'Orange' maize, a variety of the common cereal crop, could improve the lives of millions of malnourished people by providing increased vitamin A in their diet, according to a new study released here this week. The study headed by Dr. Wendy White of the Iowa State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition discovered the new vitamin A source.

Sep 9, 2010

Faculty of Agriculture elected as Vice Chair on ANAFE, SA - RAFT

This is to inform you that Assoc. Prof.  Driver has been elected as Vice-Chair of the SA-RAFT committee. Dr Munthali from Botswana is the chairperson.

The University of Pretoria (UP) was selected to be the African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry & Natural Resources Education (ANAFE) Focal Institute (FI) for the Southern Africa Regional Agricultural Forum for Training (SA-RAFT).
ANAFE is expecting that we contribute much more to the activities of ANAFE and of the region. The new committee has already identified a number of activities. Will keep you updated.


Faculty News - Ag VC and Ag Dean

Hello All,

Assoc Prof Driver is the Acting Dean of the Faculty from the 9th -20th September 2010.

The Dean of the Faculty, Assoc Prof Puchooa  is the acting Vice Chancellor as Prof Morgan is on leave form the 8th -20th Sep 2010.


Peepli - A film on The Plight of Indian Farmers

 Dear All

This is a film that all of us in the agricultural sector should watch.
I recommend it to all, especially the students, to get a feel of how our agricultural  families have a arduous life under difficult circumstances. A valuable plus for your programme of study.

The Agricultural Society could organise a viewing of the film after its  release in Mauritius and I am sure  you will come back satisfied and in deep thought. Review

'Watch Food Incorporated - A documentary on Modern Food Production'

Food, Inc. exposes America's industrialized food system and its effect on our environment, health, economy and workers' rights.The documentary film Food, Inc. reveals surprising—and often shocking-- truths about what we eat, how it's produced, and the effect it has on our health and our communities.This is a film to view for all. Read more on news for agriculture

The plot as described on is reproduced below:

The current method of raw food production is largely a response to the growth of the fast food industry since the 1950s. The production of food overall has more drastically changed since that time than the several thousand years prior.

Sep 6, 2010

New Agriculturist - Latest Edition

The latest edition of New Agriculturist (2010-5) is now online at With forthcoming summits on the Millennium Development Goals and climate change, the dual challenges of feeding the world and protecting the environment must remain foremost in decision-makers' minds. Greater investment in agricultural science and its communication is required to achieve global food security with less water, less land, higher energy costs and global warming. In this issue, demonstrating the impact of agricultural development is also a key theme.

Quand l'agriculture passionne -Jason Assonne

Dear Students 

This is an interesting news and shows the potential of investing in Agriculture,albeit on a small scale.

Inculquer l'amour pour le travail de la terre et des animaux aux plus jeunes tout en gérant sa propre ferme, c'est le rêve de Jason Assonne, 18 ans, qui est en troisième année de formation à la Maison Familiale Rurale du Nord (MFRN), à Calebasses. L'établissement qui existe depuis 1993 a pour but de former des jeunes en rupture avec le système scolaire normal afin qu'ils puissent retrouver le goût d'apprendre et pratiquer un métier qui leur plaît.

MSIRI en ligne - Information on Sugarcane and Food Crops

Mrs Rosemary Ng Kee Kong, Librarian of the MSIRI has informed the MAISNET members of this website. It contains a wealth of valuable information on agriculture especially sugar cane and other food crops.

"Le MSIRI en ligne est un site développé par la Bibliothèque du MSIRI, avec l’aide du CNF, Réduit, en vue d’offrir une plate-forme sur laquelle les chercheurs du MSIRI pourront publier des résultats de leur recherche et des informations destinées aux autres chercheurs, aux planteurs et autres utilisateurs.
Ce site s’adresse à ceux qui, à Maurice ou ailleurs, s’intéressent à la recherche sur la canne et les cultures associées, ainsi qu’aux autres travaux de l’Institut de recherches. Vous y trouverez des documents, rapports, fiches techniques, et des bibliographies sur tous les aspects de la canne à sucre, et des nouvelles cultures identifiées et promues par le MSIRI, c’est-à-dire, le pitaya, le pejibaye".

Reproduced from the MSIRI website. 

Sep 3, 2010

Transforming the Agricultural Education

A lot has changed in the Mauritian Agriculture over the past decades.
Careers are different and constantly evolving, students profiles have changed and even the meaning ofthe term agriculture has changed. Moreover, what students expect, what is expected of them, and the need for a scientifically educated population have expanded. Although this publication (below)is meant for an American audience I guess it can provide to us valuable insights for improving our agricultural curriculum.

Food Self Sufficiency

An interview of Eric Mangar, of the MAA Nous importons 70 % de nos besoins alimentaires »

  • L’ancien coordonnateur du « Food Security Programme » , Cyril Monty, a dit dans un entretien à « l’express » que les choses sont bloquées au niveau de cette instance, censée encourager la production de produits alimentaires pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire du pays. Cela vous inquiète- t- il ?

Vers un meilleur contrôle de ce que nous mangeons

UNE démangeaison qui vous prend après avoir consommé une soupe ou dégusté une salade ? Vous êtes peut- être atteint d’un empoisonnement alimentaire. Sans vouloir alarmer qui que ce soit, c’est un fait qu’il est difficile de contrôler le taux de nocivité des aliments que nous consommons. D’où une campagne de sensibilisation sur le Food Safety organisée par le Rotary Club de Phoenix.

Sep 2, 2010

Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network

Since 2004, The Faculty of Agriculture is the local node coordinator for Food Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) in Mauritius.

FANRPAN organised its Regional Food Security Policy Dialogue in Namibia from 30 August-3 September 2010, where over 200 policymakers, agricultural product dealers, scientists and non-governmental organisations from across Africa and the world will gather to address African priorities on food security and climate change and its impacts on agricultural development, natural resource management and rural livelihoods. 
2 academic staff Mr Shane Hurdowar, the local node coordinator  and Mr. B. Rajkomar, together with Mr. Tonta, from the MSIRI and chairperson of the local node committee attended the workshop. This year theme was on Livestock & Fisheries Policies for Food Security and Trade in a Changing Climate. Read more.

The presentations can be acceded on FANRPAN news 

Sep 1, 2010

The career path of Dr. J.P. Marden - an ex-student of the Faculty

It always with great pleasure and pride when we read how our graduates are making inroads into their career path. This week I read about Jean-Philippe Marden who was a student at our Faculty before he embraced a career in Animal Production in France.
Sur sa carte de visite Jean-Philippe Marden décline sa profession, pour le moins inconnue chez nous : Ruminant Research & Development Manager. Mauricien d'origine, il a étudié à Toulouse et exerce en tant qu'ingénieur chercheur en agronomie à LFA Lesaffre, à Toulouse également. Son travail consiste à gérer le vivant, soit les végétaux, animaux, micro-organismes en intervenant sur leur production, leur transformation et leur devenir final (alimentaire ou non alimentaire) tout en tenant compte de l'impact général de ces activités sur l'environnement et la société.